
The best restaurants
The freshest dishes

some image

From the average to the awesomeness

When we look at a product, we find ways to improve it, over and over.
Customers come to us with their existing app (left) in the hope we could fix things up.
And we do (right).

Former design

The existing app cumulated most issue one could do.
Including wrong cultural assomptions.
The app appears unfinished and cumbersome

new screen

New design

We fixed things up.
The app is simple and straightforward.
The overall design is slick.

Reasons of success

  • Eye Icon

    Designed for efficiency and purity.

    The app was designed with efficiency in mind: we wanted the user's experience to be slick and straightforward.

  • Idea Icon


    As always, we resisted to include tons of complex and useless options. We balanced every single features to make sure it benefits the user without compromising the slickness we owe him.

  • iMac Icon

    Native development on iPhone and Windows phones.

    The app was natively developped in our parisian studio for the iPhones and Windows Phones, in addition to the Web.
    The platform and its Web Services was developped in our tunisian studio.

The Platform

We developed the platform in our tunisian studio in a snap

Web services were exposed as a REST api to communicate between the platform and the client.

Security was an important point.

We picked the best technology to stick on time, on budget.

Like what you see here? We believe that we can offer great services to you to create a unique experience.

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